Tuesday, May 18, 2004

It was a bit of a hectic day, music-wise, as I wouldn't have minded a bit of quiet at work while fixing our problems and messes. Nevertheless, there's a second job to do. Picking up after Decaying Silence :

Brinkmann -- Click
GYBE -- Opera House 27/09/01 (continued in several sections throughout the day)
SLEEP: Higher Intelligence Agency -- Colourform, DVOA -- Piss Frond (disc 2), Hood -- Cold House, Billie Holliday -- Greatest Hits, The Cranes -- Wings of Joy. Waking up in the morning to Billie Holliday is a wonderful thing. Her music is one of the few types that makes you think "why can't all music sound like this". As I write this, it's nearly bedtime again, and DVOA and The Cranes will be inhabiting the CD tray again. "Piss Frond" is one of my all time favourite albums for drifting off to sleep. It's warm and swirling and droning and spooky.
Mogwai -- Happy Songs (by myself this time, hence more listening gets done and volume is turned way up).
John Cale -- Fragments of a Rainy Season
Vainqueur -- Elevations. Again? Because it owns you and it owns me. Since last Friday, it has bought and sold you at least four times.
DJ Spooky -- Viral Sonata
Minmae -- Microcassette Quatrains
Hollowphonic -- Majestic. Surprise.
Wire -- Pink Flag. All these years have gone by and I'm finally hearing this album. It's a blast. Call the Sheriff, Barry's discovered Wire.
Velvet Acid Christ -- Hex Angel. The beginning leaves me somewhat nonplussed, but it rocks harder and harder as it goes along. I think I'm finally getting this album after several listens.
Low -- SF 26/02/04. Downloaded mainly for the heavenly version of "Lullaby" that closes the show.
DNA -- DNA on DNA. I'd make a witty comment about how this predates the Rapture and their ilk by years and manages to outfunk them all by miles while screaming obscenities in their ears, but I've got nothing.

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