Sunday, January 16, 2005

The links are up ...

... and it's not a very long list, but I wasn't intending for it to be a comprehensive list. It's more of my personal reading list -- the sites I read regularly, and the sites I read occasionally but want to read regularly (and now I have a link list that will hopefully prompt me to do so). All right, so why these particular sites? In most cases, they are primarily about music, or written by people with similar taste as me.

Also, they are being updated regularly. And of course, the author has a writing style I enjoy -- there are many blogs that are highly regarded by others, but for whatever reason, I can't into that person's style of writing (which means I can't see myself getting into the habit of regularly reading their stuff). Perhaps unsurprisingly, many of these blogs are written in a relaxed, conversational, storytelling style (as opposed to a more analytical, formal style that one might find in a proper journal) -- in other words, a style not unlike my own.

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