Monday, November 03, 2003

I spent Saturday night in Kreuzberg, which is the "alternative" area of Berlin, or the approximate equivalent of Queen Street in Toronto. Among the stops was a bar called "Franke" (probably not the correct name or spelling but it's the best that I can remember), which was filled with cruddy hipster types and black leather with makeup types. The music played was exclusively punk, and 70% of that was the Ramones. We also hit up a bar called Madonna in which I was the youngest person there by a good ten years. The music was the Mighty Q's own classic rock. The small dancefloor was continuously packed with more mullets than a Maple Leafs game and women who were not so much cougars as they were the older sisters of cougars.

Sometimes, the further away you travel from home, the more things stay the same.